Tao Te King 16 |
Parvenus à l'extrême du Vide Les êtres prospèrent à l'envi Atteindre le Constant donne accès à l'Infini (par Claude Larre)
Push far enough towards the Void, Hold fast enough to Quietness, And of the ten thousand things none but can be worked on by you. I have beheld them, whither they go back See, all things howsoever they flourish Return to the root from which they grew This return to the root is called Quietness; Quietness is called submission to Fate; What has submitted to Fate has become part of the always-so To know the always-so is to be Illuminated; Not to know it, means to go blindly to disaster. He who knows the always-so has room in him for everything; He who has room in him for everything is whithout prejudice. To be whithout prejudice is to be kindly; To be kindly is to be of heaven; To be of heaven is to in Tao. Tao is forever and he that possesses it, Though his body ceases, is not destroyed. (by Arthur Waley) |